responce: {"errors":[{"message":"Field 'contacts' doesn't accept argument 'searchTerm'","locations":[{"line":3,"column":12}],"path":["query ContactsSearch","contacts","searchTerm"],"extensions":{"code":"argumentNotAccepted","name":"contacts","typeName":"Field","argumentName":"searchTerm"}},{"message":"Variable $search is declared by ContactsSearch but not used","locations":[{"line":1,"column":1}],"path":["query ContactsSearch"],"extensions":{"code":"variableNotUsed","variableName":"search"}}]}existingContactId: test
Brand Owner | Sales Professional

Donna Batten

Donna Batten

Brand Owner | Sales Professional

With a caring and professional nature, you’re in great hands with Donna for your real estate journey. Her outstanding service coupled with her tireless work ethic gets Donna’s vendors the results they deserve. A world class communicator with a warm personality and close attention to detail, Donna puts the ‘real’ in real estate. Offering an authentic experience is something she prides herself on. Donna’s genuine approach to real estate is refreshing for her vendors, they always know where they stand. Outside of work Donna likes to take care of her mind and body to ensure she can remain at the top of her game and to provide you with the best real estate experience you deserve. Time with family is important along with pockets of time to keep her tank topped up.


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